Overall, the United States __________ to COVID between March 2020 and July 2021.

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(38 votes)
responded about right
(8 votes)

CONFIRMED: The falsehood is true.

[new draft post] Even the losers drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

even if you never use a microsoft product, people you interact with whom you trust, who may intend to respect your confidences, will unwittingly be running recall.

there was a while when it seemed like microsoft had mellowed into a kind of middle-aged not-so-evilness.


rust never sleeps, i guess.

xitter, where i still do lurk some, seems to have dropped the option to block, at least in the contextual menu where i used to find it.

(i was never going to block this user, the tweet is an arbitrary example.)

screenshot of tweet with the contextual menu accessible by clicking “…” open, with no block option. screenshot of tweet with the contextual menu accessible by clicking “…” open, with no block option.

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@blaise Upton Sinclair, I think!

"a dizzying array of sophisticated and deceitful tricks to…rip you off… Charging you more for less is…'shrinkflation.' Revealing part of the total price up front, only to tack on...fees + service charges [is] “drip pricing.” Stealing…shopping data to predict the maximum…[you'd]…pay…[is] personalized pricing. Using software to coordinate pricing [so] companies…don’t undercut each other [is] algorithmic price-fixing (or plain old-fashioned collusion)." @ddayen prospect.org/economy/2024-06-0

"A self-taught miner 70 years ago knew that balance sheets have two sides, whereas an Oxford-educated former Bank of England economist today pretends not to know it. Which is a sign of how politics has been captured by institutionalized stupidity." stumblingandmumbling.typepad.c

[new draft post] The US Federal income tax in pictures drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

catastrophe and apostrophe rhyme.

makes an interesting point. Spending seems to be growing at a rapid clip, but stuff like the interest we don't receive on our checking account banks earn more than 5% risk-free is imputed as "spending", as if we pay a bank fee. Much of the spending growth seems to be in these kinds of imputed categories, which may be less inflationary than other kinds of "spending". theovershoot.co/p/is-consumer-

liberalism without egalitarianism collapses into authoritarianism. egalitarianism without liberalism collapses into authoritarianism. there are tensions between egalitarianism and liberalism. tolerating and managing them is better than the alternatives.

That sounds plausible. But so does its opposite.

[tech notebook] Green shoots of sprouts tech.interfluidity.com/2024/06

This sentence kind of breaks my heart:

"Now, at least symbolically, Trump joins America’s greatest democratic socialist, Eugene V. Debs, as a candidate seeking the presidency from a jail cell"


why do we see warnings for mature content but not for immature content?

“How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds” openrss.org/blog/how-google-he

They like him because they hate you. Sometimes it’s just that simple.