have you equipped yourself with the knowledge you need?

@Jonathanglick (that would apply both to saving the horses and killing them, right? re logical rigor, yeah. for the most part i treat any ethical or political claim grounded even in part on theology as lunacy, and don't spend much time trying to evaluate. perhaps that's biased, unfair. but though of course some theologically grounded claims are fascinating and wonderful, as a class i think what renders them exceptional is the ease with which they justify the otherwise unjustifiable.)

Is there still any indieweb energy behind decentralizing reviews? Unsurprisingly, Google seems to have ceased supporting the microformat-based review markup discussed by Aaron Parecki here.

I don't want to rely upon or care very much about Google. But I would like to converge on a shared practice with other people trying to desilo-ify the web.


@MartyFouts @pluralistic not sure what name we are talking about?

Merge the court. interfluidity.com/v2/7964.html

// I periodically for no particular reason repost this one. @kentwillard suggested now would be a good time. 🎵 Who am I to disagree? 🎵

@Jonathanglick You know a lot more about this stuff than I do, and I have to say I am less inclined than I ever have been (which, admittedly, has never been much) to study Jewish tradition, but wouldn't the predicate of that story (God spared the livestock of the righteous) call into question that very ugly conclusion?

“They portrayed him as a cog, but in the end a machine is made up of cogs and he was a willing part of that.” ~Rev. Beth Glover via @ddayen, re a 2013 Wall Street case prospect.org/justice/2024-05-3

does rule of law imply a law of rules?

are you a hypocrite to claim you respect the rule of law if you don’t always respect the speed limit?

“Silicon Valley is the land of low-capital, low-labor growth. Software development requires fewer people than infrastructure and hard goods manufacturing, both to get started and to run as an ongoing operation. Silicon Valley is the place where you get rich without creating jobs. It's run by investors who hate the idea of paying people.” @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2024/05/30/pos

so much talk (however unmoored) about a withdrawal and an open Democratic convention. any such talk on the R side?

the speed of the verdict seems astonishing.

@Jonathanglick absolutely.

@Jonathanglick It is absurdly poorly argued, by a person who puffs himself up as an intellectual so extraordinary solidaristic values must give way. He caricatures every position not his own, although to be fair, that one caricatures itself. 1/

@Jonathanglick It’s not the shoddy argument that’s interesting in the piece. It’s the overtness and self-consciousness of the embrace of anti-universalism and overt supremacy as “Jewish”. There’s an extraordinary polarization occurring. Of course, two Jews three opinions. But when, somehow, this miserable war comes to a merciful close, will you and I and he recognize ourselves to be part of a shared community in any meaningful way at all? Should we? /fin

in reply to self

His ethical tradition does not strike me as unsurpassably subtle. To describe it as the Jewish tradition would be inaccurate and deeply antisemitic.

“[In times of war], it is correct to kill even the righteous among your enemy” seems like an excellent exoneration of Hamas.

What does “chosen” mean? To some, to the piece’s author, it’s exceptionalist, supremicist. To many Jews it is bitterly ironic and reflects a duty to which we are called rather than any privilege.


“The Complex Problem Of Lying For Jobs” @ludicity ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/the-co

love the humans even when so often they’re intolerable.

could a supreme court justice be disbarred?

are you a monthly active user?

the conversation about supreme court recusal is a bit bizarro world.

in theory, recusal asks justices whose circumstances might prejudice their judgments to stand aside.

but our actual conversation about recusal takes as known and given the prejudice of justices. we look for pretexts to advocate that those whose prejudices we disagree with might be forced to step aside.

it’s repurposing of a vestigial mechanism.