Something went wrong.

“Speech may be free, but in practice political speech is beyond the buying-power of the vast majority of citizens. It is no coincidence that social media has arisen in parallel with this development, offering the appearance of free speech but ensuring that the clamour of the crowd (or the occult working of the algorithm) muffles most of it.”

people are like project 2025 blah blah he’s gonna eliminate NOAA blah blah. it’s like they forget he has a Sharpie.

“A dictatorship doesn't give the government greater power over the wealthy, it gives the government greater power over the poor, because the wealthy always have power.” ~Vivek Chibber

// explaining Elon. explaining all of them, really.

i don’t know if “the networked state” will ever be a thing, but network diasporas plainly are.

The wind is, um, really picking up now.

no group kisses up more than the people who already fancy themselves top of the heap.

Sunny and gusty is not what I’d expected at this point, here in the Tampa Bay area.

“you can call it ‘more art than science.’ Or you can call it ‘intuitive.’ Or you can call it ‘trial and error.’ But you can also call it ‘made up.’” @Rickperlstein on polling

time to bring back america's mayor.

when i read “charges under seal” i imagine a taser sat upon by an overplump otter.

now it is eerily calm.

This storm’s closest projected passage is still like 10 hours away and already everything is so ominous.

earlier it was a hot sunny day here in West Central Florida now all of a sudden it’s getting very windy, thundery, rainy.

"For [DOJ antitrust head] Kanter, mixing advocacy with expertise doesn't create expert advocacy – it obliterates expertise, as least when it comes to making good policy. This mixing has created a 'crisis of expertise…a pervasive breakdown in the distinction between expertise and advocacy in competition policy.'" @pluralistic

cf me "Authority minimization"

"'Dead Internet' is not an inevitable outcome of the various technologies in question--generative A.I. among them--but a condition brought about by the particular arrangement of money and business models."

"What we need is a vigorous public sector reform campaign to increase the likelihood that, when elected officials want the government to do X, X occurs in a reasonably timely and cost-effective manner. And the question of whether X is bad is fought out in electoral politics." @mattyglesias

It is very hard to affect that Israeli government actions over the past year have been conditioned by any intention to ever find peaceful means of cohabitation with the Palestinian population that currently resides on the territory it controls.

“As Milanovic dismissively concludes, neoclassical models of distribution related ‘to life on Earth about as much as the theories that astrobiologists have developed about life on Mars.’” @storracinta reviews

has the Netanyahu government timed its escalation-to-deescalate with Hezbollah in order to deliver an October surprise that might benefit Trump?