one requires a universe of infinite dimension so there is always an orthogonal direction to retreat to.

does the writing on missiles thing mean she’s angling for VP?

“the authoritarian ratchet grinds ceaselessly on, with anti-authoritarians helpless to stop it whether we ‘win’ in Washington or not, with the way one group of anti-authoritarians accuses another group of anti-authoritarians of being complicit ‘shitlibs,’ and with that group accusing the first group of sole responsibility for every loss to the Republicans since the time when convention power brokers smoked backroom cigars.” @Rickperlstein

let them eat freedom.

"the best military is the one that’s strong enough to deter a challenge, which gives room to critics to ask why so much is spent on a military that does nothing. "

the cruelty is a prerequisite.

[new draft post] Masculine virtues

yesterday i went to the beach for the first time this year. homeymoon key, just north of clearwater fl. it felt like the gulf water usually feels in late august.

can LLMs do standup comedy?

@admitsWrongIfProven Hello, World!

I spent much of the weekend adding support for update histories with links to prior revisions and diffs to my static site generator.

I'm not quite sure why I did this. Neuroticism is neuroticism. But if you care I am fishing for feedback so I can pretend it made any sense to do this. Here's an example.

what would be the bigger injustice, outright confiscation of 99% of every centibillionaire’s wealth, or how half the world lives every day?

i just signed up with these people for a sync service, but i don’t know how excited i am about the mailing list they put me on. don't miss this opportunity to uncover the untapped potential within your organization.

policy tends to get enacted about 20 years after it really seemed like a good idea.

there was an electron at the lecturn and a chicken in the kitchen. a librarian embraced a libertarian.

do you value integrations?

when i am part of “undisclosed recipients” i feel like i’m a super spy.

it’s okay if you’re not enjoying yourself. AI can do that for you.

hell is gamified.

cc @Alon