"I sometimes think that 'anti-colonialism,' the sort that breeds leadership from Papa Doc to Yahya Sinwar, is the final poisonous fruit of the European colonial project." lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2024/

powerful interests are dependent upon our society’s pathologies and so defend and entrench them.

if the UK can call snap elections why not Israel?

Unlock a free trial.

i feel like the presidential election is a tontine.

irrefutable proof of extraterrestrial life ht @artcollisions mastodon.gamedev.place/@jupite

does AI output seem so bland because LLMs are uncreative, or because of all the things that are done to render them "safe"?

"Inside New College of Florida’s Counter-Commencement" thenation.com/article/society/

"When you have two peoples both insisting on moonshot strategies rather than trying to maximize their core interests, the result is violence and death." slowboring.com/p/the-failures-

always tired, never sleepy.

@artcollisions (i'm curious what everybody thinks!)

@artcollisions yeah.

Bill Clinton after Monica Lewinsky _____ have resigned or been removed.

(21 votes)
should not
(13 votes)

the ten-year old just came to me for help navigating a cookie consent pop-up with a sneaky "legitimate interest" section. he couldn't figure out how to leave its purgatory with everything rejected. what a weird world he's growing up in.

bluesky offers RSS feeds, but it doesn't attach linked media to those feeds or include quote-embedded posts, and norms there seem very quote-commenty.

so i nearly always have to clickthrough rather than read in-reader. which renders it basically too cumbersome to really follow blueskyers by RSS.

which is a shame because there's a lot of conversation there i'd like to follow. i'll still sample a bit, but it's very frustrating.

(mastodon RSS feeds helpfully include linked media!)

cc @costrike

it’s just that he believes in Roko’s basilisk, so it’s all under duress. assortedflotsam.com/@politicsb

i have pretty mixed feelings about the whole thing.

q: what do you call an unauthorized road runner?

a: a meep fake.

"We need network societies, not network states" cip.org/blog/network-societies

"of all the DNA principals, Erwin Chargaff would have been the most interesting to have dinner with." blobthescientist.blogspot.com/