i have come to the conclusion that i am an amateur tagonist. a rank amateur.

"Intuitions and models developed in a lower-density world - such as that which produced all our traditions of economics - likely underestimate the significance of externalities." concretepossibleworld.substack

a good line from an obituary of Gene Lewis, one of the most remarkable teachers and mentors i was once fortunate to have. i only learned yesterday of his passing, and i am sad about it.

“He outlived Henry Kissinger but not Mel Brooks, and he probably would have been fine with both outcomes.”


tired: inventing the future.
inspired: reinventing the future.

Is NASA’s Artemis program really this bad?

see idlewords.com/2024/5/the_lunac

“the monopolist is like a politician who wins power – whether through greatness or by deceit – and then gerrymanders their district so that they can do anything and gain re-election. Even the noblest politician, shorn of accountability, will be hard pressed to avoid yielding to temptation.” @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2024/05/18/mar

right but it feels so wrong:

scala> None.forall( _ => false )
val res0: Boolean = true

Chris Peel @chrisp has put together a really great history of US income tax schedules, including an animated graph of effective rates. github.com/chrisvwx/pub/blob/m

there is only one homeland and we all share it.

the humans are a little better in person.

wreak and reek make an impressive homonym pair.

US DoJ: “As cryptocurrency markets continue to evolve, the Department will continue to root out fraud, support victims, and restore confidence to these markets.” justice.gov/opa/pr/two-brother

so confidence in crypto markets is now a state-supported good?

this case is so weird because as i understand it was an attack on a protocol by which it’s become conventional for miners to front-run user transactions. more conventional rent extractors get protected, less conventional ones get prosecuted.

ht @peterbutler

in reply to self

the ethos of the discourse has hardened; these days it’s “by any memes necessary”.

@admitsWrongIfProven @fraying @Nerdfest good point. though it is an eternal mystery that Tesla, Starlink, SpaceX exist and have sometimes done remarkable things, much as I don't like to credit their founder and under his influence they sometimes do awful things.

billionairehood is a kind of diseducation. it slowly turns grown, intelligent, capable people into toddlers. finance.yahoo.com/news/inside- ht @fraying @Nerdfest

i find it rather pathetically amateurish that sync services offered by trillion dollar companies are unable to sync files that are legal on my filesystem because their name contains an arbitrarily forbidden punctuation mark.

i still don’t understand.

[New Post] March, April interfluidity.com/v2/9962.html

abuse as directed.

how does litigation culture compare in China vs the US? do businesses sue one another as much?