gives a new meaning to ht @CosmicTraveler

@Jonathanglick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's short!

with apologies to , there's the cozy-web and the nosy-web.

"collapstrophe" is an underrated portmanteau.


evidence-based policy means the best fabricators of evidence control policy.

one can hope it's easier to fabricate evidence for what is true than what is not, at least to some degree.

but is that degree large enough to overwhelm, say, resource differences among backers of researchers looking for different things?

seek and ye shall find — if you have the finances to seek thoroughly enough.

"Silenced Unknown Call."

Usually phone notifications stress me, but this one was somehow calming.

starbucks wrote to say my stars are expiring soon very kind of them to write but they didn't have to tell me man do i feel it.

i feel like it might be a good career move to no longer be running in a Republican primary.

I've just started to follow some accounts via . (i'm not on that network, at least for now.) feeds don't include attached media, though, which means i have to click through a lot. is better about that.

[new draft post] The long fistbump

@admitsWrongIfProven @jawnsy Hello, world!

@admitsWrongIfProven @jawnsy Hello, world!

in stevelang blank files will be legal and defined to compile to a program that emits “Hello, world!” to the console.

the stevelang specification is this toot long, and already it has the shortest hello world.

Please make sure it is signed by the required date.

@Pinchy63 @gardenvarietylinguist i get them when i have too many browser tabs open on mastodon.

now that we know what went wrong, we wish we could go back in time and make different things go wrong.

rare photograph of and together.

photograph of characters Lokai and Bele from Star Treak, the original series, photograph of characters Lokai and Bele from Star Treak, the original series, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield". see

The weird thing is that, under contemporary moral pathologies, open borders offered as refuge from vicious discrimination in a source country might be characterized as complicit accommodation of ethnic cleansing. Refusing refuge might, as Egypt's Sisi put it, be characterized as necessary to prevent "liquidation" of their cause, assertion of their rights at home.

on why US choices a century ago sit at the roots of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

when you can simulate a self so well even loved ones can’t tell it isn’t you, what’s that going to do to the suicide rate?