are there maybe cult leaders or gurus who sell holy shit?
[New Post] China has much to teach us. John Roberts does not.
the most depressing way to start your day is waking up.
some days it seems like everything new is old again.
“It ain’t what you disagree about that gets you into trouble. It’s when you find consensus on things that just ain’t so.”
~with apologies to (probably apocryphally) Mark Twain
“Texas has sued to block federal rules that prohibit investigators from viewing the medical records of women who travel out of state to seek abortions where the procedure is legal.” #MichaelWines ht @Atrios
// it's weird times we are living in
just because a claim is often made disingenuously doesn’t imply the claim is always wrong.
Winner-take-all markets make first-to-market the only thing, which means best-to-market may never come at all.
None of Trump’s corruption, #DavidFrench?
Florida under #RonDeSantis is a cesspool of patronage, from Ben Sasse to Richard Corcoran and the people they hire to do minimal, mediocre work at exorbitant salaries.

@artcollisions appropriately a kind of less representational, modern-art version, maybe with some Robert Mapplethorpe influences…
“This is, to me, a Rosetta Stone for early 21st-century liberal politics, an impossibly perfect symbolic object. A bunch of young idealistic Millennials who tweeted all day about intersectionality and dismantling patriarchy worked for an organization that thought nothing of exploiting its internal culture of immense professional pressure to compel vulnerable interns to drink piss.” #FreddieDeBoer
whatever else might happen this election, we should all take some solace that #RichardHanania has finally fallen in love. with a black woman. who had that on their bingo card? the film, a kind of coming of age, will be so inspiring. a bit bittersweet, as she’s already taken.
it seems like the more the Harris campaign wins endorsement of high-profile ex-Republicans, the worse it does in the polls. hmmm.
@magicalthinking biologically i think they’d remain quite similar, they’d not evolve if life support was sufficient to ensure almost everybody lives through reproductive age, but yeah culturally linguistically etc i suspect we’d find them pretty weird. that stuff diverges very quickly.
“this is the new playbook for many on the right. They make provocative statements in hopes of generating objections, and then they cite those objections as proof that no one is allowed to have the conversation. I guess they think you're too stupid to see that the objections are themselves part of the conversation.”
@magicalthinking i mean a small number of people each generation cramped together experiencing similar lives under common governance over tens of thousands of years would become what we call “homogeneous” for sure.
@magicalthinking i’m a bit skeptical it would be that, um, fun. i mean, yeah everything would be recycled so cannibalism in that sense, but i doubt on the generation ship they just eat grandpa. i’m not sure why gender swapping would be adaptive, though i can see wanting technologies like cloning or artificial wombs. bug eating, well, even on Earth we’re likely to source protein that way, but i suspect it’ll mostly take shape as obscurely worded ingredients in processed foods.
@magicalthinking less hopeful when you put it that way…
sometimes i am hopeful they will finally discover Galt’s Gulch on Mars.
there was this guy who worked at Eli Lilly — his job was to come up with the science-ey but somehow catchy names they attach to their blockbuster drugs — and well, he had a crush on this coworker Alice, whenever he even saw her he got really turned on.