Would it be a good or bad regulation if landlords were required to offer continuing residents the same rates they offer new residents?

@weilawei@mastodon.online maybe the attitude was “if it be your will…” (God’s, Elon’s)

what’s right and what’s wrong with this analogy?

biden : bibi :: trump : putin

when generative AI finds its ouroboros it metamorphoses into degenerative AI.

Lifehack: Buy two AirTags and mount them as earrings. You’ll never lose your head again.

i’d much rather be defended from war than be defended by war.

why do mac laptops make a little “whoosh” sound when they kernel panic?

(i’ve been hearing a lot of that today. my laptop is basically a doorstop now. applecare is a good warranty program, but i am unhappy with the frequency i find myself using it. lots of time lost.)

many components of computers have to be manufactured in large-scale, distant factories, but that doesn't make local-first software not a great idea.

some aspects of the training of AI systems may necessarily be large-scale and distant (and perhaps regulated or even public), but that doesn't make local-first AI a bad idea.

the closer to locally controlled your computation (defined socially more than geographically), the more likely it is to tilt toward the liberatory rather than the dystopian.

someone should write a mystery novel in which the murder weapon is a paintbrush and then a hose to quickly spray away a very temporary white line.

from blog.dshr.org/2024/04/elon-mus

"So that's all there is to Autopilot. No radar, no lidar, no GPS, no map, no geofencing, no proper driver monitoring. It just uses the camera to follow the lines. It doesn't disengage if it can't see the lines, it just keeps going."

If you're in LA, go see my sister this weekend. events.latimes.com/festivalofb

(Is there really such a place as the "Albert and Dana Broccoli Theatre"? If my real name were Broccoli, I'd be so good for you.)

@davidtoddmccarty i'm accepting "stone-washed" as part of my identity.

@artcollisions no, it’s on the patio of a little deli where we’ve just had lunch, in Tarpon Springs FL.

a momentary lapse of composure.

a normally elegant white egret caught awkwardly with its mouth open. a normally elegant white egret caught awkwardly with its mouth open.

@John @phillmv @mackayim2022 (i think there’s something to @phillmv’s Upton Sinclair observation. it’s a bit uncanny how much he & Matt have converged, and i wonder if it isn’t just there’s an angry center-right-that-thinks-itself-center-left Substack audience operant conditioning both writers.)

when you are peerless, it’s hard to find a jury of your peers.

from sixcolors.com/post/2024/04/can


This is not a lament for Humane or its business model. It's a lament for all of us. So many innovative products will never get funded or never launch a product because if they can't connect deeply with the smartphone, they're at an impossible disadvantage. And if one such product somehow did make a mark, what are the chances that it would survive rather than just being acquired by Apple, or Amazon, or Google, or Microsoft, or Facebook? What are the chances that those companies would just build a me-too product that was vastly more functional because they were able to tightly tie it into the ecosystems they control? Text: This is not a lament for Humane or its business model. It's a lament for all of us. So many innovative products will never get funded or never launch a product because if they can't connect deeply with the smartphone, they're at an impossible disadvantage. And if one such product somehow did make a mark, what are the chances that it would survive rather than just being acquired by Apple, or Amazon, or Google, or Microsoft, or Facebook? What are the chances that those companies would just build a me-too product that was vastly more functional because they were able to tightly tie it into the ecosystems they control?

as a businessman, Elon Musk is kind of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, except his dual personages are PT Barnum and Jack Welch.

every presidential ballot should have a “burn it all down” option that is purely expressive.

if that’s what you mean to express, you should have the option just to say so directly, rather than actually elect and arsonist or saboteur.

of course, you can still vote for arsonists and saboteurs if you want. but i think a lot of people want to express the sentiment without actually contributing to making a charred husk of the world.

"Do Economists Understand Business?" arnoldkling.substack.com/p/do-

cc @SteveRoth x.com/Scholars_Stage/status/17