"What are the parts of a URL?" @samdutton@techhub.social web.dev/articles/url-parts via @artlung

The main injustice the government perpetrated in its response to the Great Financial Crisis amounted to no more than basically suspending "margin calls" on some "systematically important" financial institutions — allowing them effectively an indefinite credit line — while continuing to enforce limits on households and other institutions.

Was that really so harsh or unfair?

Hell yes.

Read @SteveRoth to understand why. wealtheconomics.substack.com/p

@poetryforsupper the piece by I mentioned to you, "In praise of blindspots" lpeproject.org/blog/in-praise- ht @llimllib

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the term “espionage” spans quite a range of practices, from curiosity to sabotage.

my laptop is out for repair and it’s like a phantom limb, i am constantly about to get up and get it to do some thing or other and then i realize no, i can’t. there are ants crawling under my skin and only a stupid device can make them go away.

“The British left has long been bedevilled by the conservative tenor of its dreams of a better society, combining a pre-industrial rural nostalgia with the sober respectability of the self-improving working class. This tends to be heightened whenever there is the threat from the radical left, and the reaction invariably emphasises an aesthetic and moral critique over a material analysis” fromarsetoelbow.blogspot.com/2

“Marjorie Taylor Greene Is No Neville Chamberlain” thedispatch.com/newsletter/wan

please connect while i try to hold you.

people who are sure what everybody else is consuming is propaganda have often learned that from propaganda.

“What has Biden asked from Israel?” jabberwocking.com/what-has-bid

Via @damonlinker, via , these essays by are a fascinating gateway into strands of the right (and sometimes small-is-beautiful left) that prefigure Trumpism.

“Beautiful Losers” chroniclesmagazine.org/web/bea

“Nationalism, Old and New” chroniclesmagazine.org/web/nat

Both linked from this @damonlinker piece: damonlinker.substack.com/p/tru (paywalled, i’ve only read the free intro.)

cc @poetryforsupper

i am greatly relieved by how restrained the Israeli counterstrike appears to have been.

i do hope that the matter can now be deemed concluded.

@peter i’d really like to see it clean a gas station bathroom.

@Alon news.gallup.com/poll/642695/ma

do your kids know how to use a command line?

if so, at what age did they learn?

front page of nytimes.com right now. remarkable.

Image of nytimes.com front page.

It's 10:46 pm EDT Thursday 4/18/2024. NPR confirmed at 10:00 pm that Israel is bombing targets in Iran in retaliation for Iran's weekend (also retaliatory) strike. Financial markets clearly reflected this by 9:30 pm. The nytimes.com front page has nothing about it. Image of nytimes.com front page. It's 10:46 pm EDT Thursday 4/18/2024. NPR confirmed at 10:00 pm that Israel is bombing targets in Iran in retaliation for Iran's weekend (also retaliatory) strike. Financial markets clearly reflected this by 9:30 pm. The nytimes.com front page has nothing about it.

Rather than the vague, anecdotal path he favors, the right approach is to collectively lobby the government to conduct rigorous trials of what would become an inexpensive, public domain remedy. twitter.com/yishan/status/1780

“Greene also submitted an amendment to the Israel funding package, calling for using proposed funds for ‘the development of space laser technology’ on the US-Mexico border.” pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04 ht @SocraticEthics

the practice many browsers have adopted of truncating URLs in the address bar to the hostname is emblematic of the decline and commercially driven infantilization of the web.

understanding URLs — their roles and the ways and whys of how they are constructed — was an elementary skill of the original view-source web.

hiding complete URLs encourages people to become ignorant consumers of mysterious information services, rather than informed participants in a public forum.