@aronia i foresee some… issues with that one too.

Columbia gets a lot more ink than Rafah.

"war makes us terrible historians and excellent propagandists... we enthusiastically take up the work of flattening ourselves and others into simplistic groupings that make it easier to firm up lines in the sand." @MLClark mlclark.substack.com/p/the-sto ht @mybarkingdogs

"For forty years – and especially since the early 1990s 'Gingrich revolution' in Congress and the triumph of neoliberalism... – the US government has been working hard to eliminate its own technical capacities. In their place, a constellation of lobbies, privately funded think tanks, and tax-subsidy farmers has grown up, many of them talented at projecting the impression of scientific authority, which crowds out whatever genuine authority may still exist." nakedcapitalism.com/2024/04/ja

it’s ultimately always the wrong choice, but it can be a good way to get started.

the newspaper of record.

an email from The New York Times

Subject: You're probably not cleaning your towels enough

Here's how often to swap them out… an email from The New York Times Subject: You're probably not cleaning your towels enough Here's how often to swap them out…
a spooky moon, cradled by, nestled in, a tree. a spooky moon, cradled by, nestled in, a tree.

AI countertransference.

This has been an important announcement.

whatever you may think of the underlying issues and intentions, elite-university-centered, loud and disruptive “solidarity” with Gaza takes pressure off of Israel and the Biden administration.

the excesses of the most aggressive and cartoonish protestors come to define the news cycle, overshadowing even mass graves.

the incentive for an American politician becomes to distance themselves from the on-video excesses of the worst kids, rather than the much more deadly excesses of a distant army.

every news cycle spent on American free-speech “debates” about campus protest is also a news cycle in which actual events in Gaza are eclipsed.

in reply to self

where we come from, consenting to a human lifetime is like participating in an extreme sport, like getting dumped from a helicopter at the top of a mountain on a snowboard.

[new draft post] Of dentistry and democracy drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

@deshipu @nilesh hey that’s what i grew up on!

it’s fun on a Sunday afternoon to play a game together.

it’s less fun, though, when the loser will be tortured and executed.

The ruth is out there.

also, “view source” should not be buried under a second-tier developer menu.

ordinary “users” should be encouraged to treat sites whose source is indecipherable skeptically.

@llimllib i don't think i'll have any success if i try to get the fourth grader to watch these, but it's remarkable that Professor Leonard's lectures go from number lines right through differential equations.

( re notes.billmill.org/math/videos )

it would be better if, when people advocate for a right, they explicitly describe the obligation on the part of others that would be its dual.

health care is a right, i say. its dual is not that doctors are slaves obligated to provide health care for free, but that states are obligated to fund doctors and other providers to ensure health care for all.

every meaningful rights assertion carries as its dual some other party’s obligation.

"some degree of destabilization may be the necessary price to pay to put the law of intermediate liability on a firmer footing."

A fascinating take on what to do about Section 230 — not expressing a substantive policy preference, but a judicial approach to encouraging democratically more legitimate legislative action.

by yalejreg.com/bulletin/interpre

for the very first time, i've encountered what happens when trying to follow someone from a server my instance has blocked ("suspended").

it's not so clear or transparent!

i get a 404 at /authorize_interaction when I try to follow from the user's home profile, no profile is visible from my instance. only by browsing to my instance's /about and looking at moderated servers cld i confirm it was blocked.

for "Reason not available" i do wonder what scandal provoked suspension of "techhub.social".