if you want to make a case that antisemitism plays an unusual role in the US discourse surrounding Israel, your best point of reference is Yemen and US support of Saudi Arabia’s conflict there, which conflict (whomever you blame for it) did lead to mass famine and death, but not to mass protest on US campuses.

Fascinating “War in Gaza Public Opinion Survey” of Israelis, with across Jewish and Arab populations. en.idi.org.il/media/23635/war- ht

This is just a weird movement.

It's just trying to appeal along entirely different dimensions than a conventional campaign. It's parasocial rather than political.

Screenshot of a Donald Trump campaign email, subject Screenshot of a Donald Trump campaign email, subject "Is there anything you'd like to share with me?" "I've got something I've been dying to tell you: I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU! PLEASE PLASE PLASE tell me you love me too!" [I LOVE TRUMP BUTTON] I don't care what the DERANGED RADICAL LEFTISTS think. I don't care what the MARXISTS AND FASCISTS think. I don't care what the AMERICA-HATING DEMOCRATS think. I only care about YOU!

should Obama be prosecuted for ordering hits, including of American citizens?

(drone assassinations overseas see nytimes.com/interactive/2022/0 which actively discusses the question, after the long FOIA memo. "we believe the AUMF's authority to use lethal force abroad also may apply in appropriate circumstances to a United States citizen who is part of...an enemy organization". the same target's son was eventually killed too, purportedly as collateral damage to the assassination of another target.)

try as you might, you can’t quite not see that you are the villain. but you are addicted to your villainy.

democracy. whiskey. sexy. nytimes.com/2024/04/28/world/m

"Fittingly, this takes place in Judea…" jabberwocking.com/what-do-i-me

the moral high ground is the only territory whose defense is sustainable.

“To even admit you are acting out of a perception of potential liability is thought in some circles to create a risk of liability. But this thinking in some cases creates enormous risk because the people who are articulating risk only think along one line of vulnerability, the one they understand—or because their logic is easily bent towards a pre-determined conclusion by ideologues prepared to manipulate it.” timothyburke.substack.com/p/ac

tired: what do you do for a living?

wired: what’s your grift?

[new draft post] Out of the spotlight drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

i'm sorry i know this is meant in earnest and offensive but i just find it very funny.

from richardhanania.com/p/too-gay-t


there hasn’t been much attention focused on what it means for our elites to become so overwhelmingly gay. This is because we are in the earliest stages of this transformation, as LGBT identity among youth didn’t begin to skyrocket until the last decade or so. Thus, there hasn’t been enough time for this trend to remake society, though today’s college students are part of the gayest generation we have ever seen. Text: there hasn’t been much attention focused on what it means for our elites to become so overwhelmingly gay. This is because we are in the earliest stages of this transformation, as LGBT identity among youth didn’t begin to skyrocket until the last decade or so. Thus, there hasn’t been enough time for this trend to remake society, though today’s college students are part of the gayest generation we have ever seen.

[new draft post] The quality of what is coordinated drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

cloud native? youtu.be/GpBFOJ3R0M4

@artcollisions no.

god save me from the people who claim to speak in my defense.

who knew a kind of contract called "noncompete agreements" might run afoul of a laws prohibiting anticompetitive behavior?

every day is a new surprise.

huge kudos to FTC for placing sanity above the reality distortion fields emitted by money and the people who hoard it.

see @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2024/04/25/cap

in general with media, the art isn't getting them to say what you want. the ones who are credible resist that, the ones who succumb smell like tankies.

the art is to let them say whatever they want, but to manage the topics they're talking about.

(lifted from a conversation with @Alon i thought it worth its own post)

@hamishb yes! that is in the general sense the question!

and within that broad landscape of potential arrangements, controversies over the role (or nonrole) of states loom very large.

A fundamental question that cross-cuts left and right is whether the fight for human flourishing is a fight against the state, or a fight for the state, over who and what values control it.

leftish anarchists and right-ish libertarians share the fight-against frame. social democrats on the left and social conservatives on the right share the fight-for frame.