reality has a well-known liberal bias, but human psychology has a well-known conservative bias.
@ItsThatDeafGuy we prefer “rustic”.
@ItsThatDeafGuy it’s paradise, right!
We would like your feedback!

“Our Healthcare System, a Reign of Terror” by #FreddieDeBoer
if they are in the business of telling you what you like to hear, they are in the business of lying to you.
one way to understand the recent election is as a contest between reformists and accelerationists.
that ticking sound we hear is the chain dragging our roller coaster car, upward, upward. Tick tick tick.
A great rendition by @paninid of George Washington Plunkett on "honest graft"
people complain that the English language is overly complicated and fussy.
we have some great news!
we're finally eliminating the confusing distinction between grift and graft.
a strange irony these times are revealing is there's no group weaker, more conformist, ultimately more pathetic, than the "rich and powerful".
they suborn the institutions then prove themselves right about the low quality of the institutions.
i don’t want to be a writer. it’s just there are things i want to say.
all of my castles are dust.
single-payer will fix it.
republicans are the party of grift. democrats are the party of a nice sinecure.
“numbers do not adequately capture the sense of intensifying lawlessness that seems to have pervaded the health care system.” #MoeTkacik ht @ddayen
we live in the worst timeline there's literally a person called Siri becoming a subject of public concern. Siri it turns out is anti-vax.
they’ll want us all to cheer a “great economy” while it kills us with impunity.
but check out those GDP numbers! ht @keubiko
the new york times is just vogue for mids.