move fast and break other people.
i'm so glad this community will have more political influence and less regulation, in order to innovate even more aggressively. via @ernie
if you look at an ad on facebook or instagram, you are participating in a donation to Trump’s inauguration.
This post is bonus content.
sometimes i find myself saying “thank you” to then i wonder whether my politeness is burning down the rainforest.
dystopia is not salutary.
crypto begins as, its entire architecture is shaped and constrained in order to be, a form of money or commodity independent of states. it is an experimental alternative to state coordination of finance and even contracts.
now it’s surging, solely as a function of expected endorsement of the state.
i hate to link over there, but #MattBruenig is so good on this stuff.
this #MattBruenig piece on health care economics is a work of art.
1) administrative costs associated with health insurance are HUGE, not a rounding error next to inflated provider costs;
2) the only justification for those costs would be to rein in provider rents, but not only do private insurers fail to, they have structural incentives to let them grow.
read this one.
@peter for not entirely unrelated reasons, they’ve taken the same approach to suicide. there’s no acceptable attribution of cause or motive beyond “struggling with mental illness”. why the person themself thought they did it is apparently as unworthy of examination as a schizophrenic’s hallucination.

“Where are all the bureaucrats?” a useful chart by #KevinDrum
have any of you tried out Huawei HarmonyOS? how is it? what do you think?
“We acknowledge road users may be faced with socioeconomic challenges” ht @inertiate
you know you’ve encountered a higher class of revolutionary when at least a pinky toe, if not several of the more vigorous toes, is latent.
the last time around we had robber barons. this time we have toddler tyrants.
is syria an isolated event or some kind of domino?
“The average cost of a three-day hospital stay is $30,000.” #HelenOuyang
“Or, as the Northwestern University political-science professor Jeffrey Winters put it…this feels like a moment of ‘in-your-face oligarchy.’”
// “feels like” is too soft. this is what oligarchy looks like, laughing proud.