@admitsWrongIfProven (i think the irony that i had in my was the antidecolonization people coming to identify as the true, indigenous academics whose authentic culture is being displaced by colonial woke interlopers.)

what’s interesting about the Nikki Haley thing is what it reveals about how she thinks of the people whose support she is seeking. i like to think it’s not a fair portrayal of them. DeSantis of all people seems to think better of them than Haley does, or at least did on the spur of a moment.

[new draft post] How to regulate AI drafts.interfluidity.com/2023/

reckless driving is quite the opposite of wreckless driving. the english language is so weird.

critics of decolonization call for the decolonization of academia by its putative proponents.

they have not yet embraced their identity as indigines, but the second law of sociodynamics (irony must always increase) suggests that it will not be long.

it was the end of history. but history always was unholy and it has joined the undead.

“History is not what happened. It is what gets written down in an imperfect, often underhanded process dominated by self-interested political, economic and cultural authorities.” from Silent Cavalry by via theguardian.com/books/2023/dec

ht @jockr

cc @poetryforsupper

"[N]ot all innovations are beneficial to society, with some corporations using tactics that undermine legal rights and increase worker exploitation… [R]obust antitrust enforcement between the 1940s-1970s channeled corporate resources into productive investments rather than employing unfair methods of competition." @danielahanley papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf

Worse than a crime, a mistake: Israel’s choices after Oct 7.

See @raph onesmalldetail.blog/justifying

ht @sumek

Couldn’t we arrange for the large language models to murder one another so we humans could go on to do other things?

the world seems such a horror show. you do not want to wake up, but you cannot sleep. i dreamt of atrocity beyond belief, of which i was complicit or worse. when i woke my child asleep rolled into me and snuggled close. my wires are badly crossed.

there are no good guys, just people refraining from doing horrible things right here, right now, and helping others to do the same.

“I just hope it doesn’t take a disaster such as the two world wars before people wake up to the folly of nationalism.” themoneyillusion.com/dont-pige

the thing about decline is that wherever you are on the slope, it’s somewhere worse than you have been, but better than you will ever be. a strange kind of cup half full.

in 2020 i was like if we get through this, things will be better. so far, that has not been my experience.

happy christmas all. here's hoping for 2024.

if you want to make full-text articles available via ActivityPub, what is a good server to self-host and post them to?

I am a fan of big dork energy!

But I think mastodon.anything isn't best for this application, because it's really intended for microbloggish posts rather than full-text articles.

in reply to self

Methodological individualism is a heavy drug. It yields such straightforward and compelling research approaches, that are nevertheless invalid.

Perhaps people in poor communities commit more crimes, there are lots of plausible channels why that might be, channels that would be largely unrelated to an individual relationship between wealth and propensity.

cf marginalrevolution.com/margina

@inkican give me a couple of weeks! in the meantime, try drafts.interfluidity.com/ by RSS

we should refer to the monkey's paw as murphy’s claw.

becoming one of the ancients involves more hemorrhoids than gravitas.