why auto insurance rates are high in florida.

a pickup truck with a goat in the drivers seat. a pickup truck with a goat in the drivers seat.

people wonder, if democracy itself is unpopular, how can it be democratic to preserve it?

but democracy itself isn’t a choice, or as proponents imagine, a kind of privilege.

democracy is an obligation we owe one another, whether or not we feel like it or are fond of it. democratic institutions (bad as ours are) are not privileges of individuals but means of enabling informed, accountable governance. shirking costs us all a good life. u can’t morally, ought not be able legally, to just opt out.

@sleepycactus @talboito @thomasbeagle @sqncs @MeroFromVero Oops! Sorry! zirk.us/@interfluidity/1116132

I accused Audible last night of preemptively buying a book on my behalf it had been recommending. I was wrong.

My wife logged into my account looking for an audiobook to fall asleep to, and was seduced by the recommendation. (I had thought this unlikely, because my wife was decidedly unimpressed by another book by the same author.)

My very bad! zirk.us/@interfluidity/1116116

audible seems to have been so certain of a book recommendation it just bought it on my behalf, spending one of my credits, without waiting for me actually to decide to buy it.

UPDATE: This was my bad, I should have investigated before posting this. My wife logged into my account and was seduced by the recommendation.

when people say “full stop”, they usually mean “go”, right?

Is a diaspora foreign meddling?

"Self Regulation is to Regulation as Self Importance is to Importance"

Good title by @40Years 40yrs.blogspot.com/2023/12/sel

life is a free trial.

people aren't martyred. they are just killed.

maybe the coming deluge of deep fakes will, paradoxically, restore our privacy.

if most of what we see is fake, then everything is deniable.

@CoolerPseudonym (i do the same, use kill the newsletter to get 'em into my feed reeder!)

@CoolerPseudonym (i definitely think all blogs / newsletters / whatev should be rss-first. but i wonder whether there are people would want pings for eg infrequent sources they value so they don't miss them in their rss. for me at least, the rss reader is a bulk environment, though i use folders to make it more likely i see some higher priority sources. frequent publishers can dilute feeds even there, though.)

in reply to self

are there blogs you would want to subscribe to by SMS or similar (WhatsApp / iMessage / whatev), or would that just be noise you'd rather avoid?

We weave such intricate filigrees that no one else can see.

maybe if we'd never moved from there we wouldn't have gotten so old.

are there any RSS feed readers in the Fediverse? things like what Google Reader once was, what Inoreader / Feedly / etc are now?

One might then "boost" RSS items, for example, which would become sites for comment. (Ideally each RSS item would map to a globally unique ActivityPub article or note, though that might require use of something like a distributed hashtable to register "claims".)

my wife and i knew we were meant for each other when we realized that our wedding anniversaries fell on _exactly the same day_.

The violent crime wave that began in 2020 in the United States seems, thankfully, to be subsiding.

see jasher.substack.com/p/crime-in theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/

most misinformation does not consist of lies, but of true accounts portrayed as representative when in fact they are unusual.

i'm not a con artist i'm a racket scientist.