Netanyahu is a great case study in how right-wing policy can yield political success for some time while sewing the seeds of deep catastrophe that emerge from problems right-wing leadership seeks to deny or suppress or oppress rather than address.

A present-day coalition can be bought from the proceeds of dispossessing the less favored and eating what ought to seed corn for a better future.

Until suddenly it can't.

@LouisIngenthron inflation creates winners and losers. there’s no guarantee wages match inflation, but often over time and on averge they do, real wages eventually rise. but that average hides that some workers have bargaining power to gain raises that match or exceed inflation, while those with less bargaining power take tacit pay cuts. inflation launders various kinds of redistributions, for good and for ill. it annoys everyone, as celebrated raises just tread water, which disappoints.

without context.

(35 votes)
(18 votes)

gamble for redemption
threatens the rest of our

"America needs a bigger, better bureaucracy" by @noahpinion ht @pluralistic

@22 i liked “she she” as thank you!

@cshentrup what are the units of labor?

i’m not saying we don’t have “solutions” to these questions. i’m saying they are historically contingent institutions that result not from some science or credible optimization, but path dependence and law. why should we think we’ve gotten them remotely right?

what is “labor” that is this commodity? i know what a log is, you can weigh it and characterize it. i don’t know what “labor” is prior to some kind of social definition. we have a variety of legal institutions (hourly worker, independent contractor, salaried employee, sole proprietor) that involve remunerating human work. there are other historically common labor institutions we forbid. what exactly is it you think markets can fruitfully price?

@22 my only understanding of this is that visiting Xiamen i knew it was pronounced something like "shaman", but with only that "knowledge" in hand, it's a little bit intended. 😜

@BenRossTransit @Transportist well. your daughter is an exception.

@BenRossTransit @Transportist (i take "by 1968" to be a very generous outer bound.)

@Alon @Transportist @BenRossTransit i don't know about NAP. how about Pacific Atlantic North Dioceanic Alliance, perhaps to tease just a bit?

you really need to lurk on xitter a bit just to keep abreast of contemporary misinformation.

@cshentrup @jwmason what is creating a cartel? what is a price distortion? sectoral regulation of labor markets on an industry by industry basis, negotiated between elected representatives of workers' and firms? that's the Nordic approach. often firms have extraordinary bargaining power vis a vis workers. is that a price distortion? what institutions do you suggest should address that?

why couldn’t it have been the north eastern atlantic treaty organization?

@PurpCat @realcaseyrollins they are enshittifying enshittification!

@cshentrup @jwmason labor is an institution before it can be a commodity to be priced. the definition of labor as an institution you take for granted might lead to much worse outcomes when priced than alternative definitions.

@cshentrup @jwmason perhaps a better complement!

"It’s not false to say that some crumbs perforce will fall from the tables of the rich onto those of the poor. It in no way follows, however, that that is the way bread should be shared." @maria

@ike i guess how concentrated we'll only now in a while, when we see a pace of changes! over time, we are always changing and renegotiating things, with some people painfully aware about what's awful in the _status quo_ (ie car culture), and some people suffering a painful sense of loss over what they take as ordinary, familiar, good. the smartphone provoked a pretty compressed round of changes. everything we no do via an app, we did differently not long ago. 1/

@ike (this piece provoked a bit of a sense of loss in me, as the author's innovative new restaurant is in the neighborhood i moved from and sorely miss just over a year ago.)

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