Great UAW ad. via @Green_Footballs

dickishness is contagious, so it’s hard not to be a dick.

“When Boeing and McDonnell Douglas sought to merge in 1996, the Clinton White House pushed for the approval of what was a clearly anti-competitive merger apparently based on the belief that the United States needed a company large enough to compete effectively with Europe’s Airbus. At the risk of stating the obvious, Boeing has not benefited from those indulgences.”

feels like The New York Times is dog-whistling to replacement theorists with this subhead.

Screenshot of New York Times app.

Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years

The government has reduced a backlog of applications that built up during the Trump administration. New citizens say they are looking forward to voting. Screenshot of New York Times app. Headline: Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years Subhead: The government has reduced a backlog of applications that built up during the Trump administration. New citizens say they are looking forward to voting.

@otfrom @davidho @Brad_Rosenheim
@Netux in this case yes, hypothetically, but it doesn’t scale for the President to adjudicate even intragovernmental disputes. and most disputes won’t be intragovernmental.

in reply to @otfrom

@admitsWrongIfProven there is for some! but they get very self-righteous when the prospect is raised they might not get what they want.

in reply to @admitsWrongIfProven

@talexb @davidho @Brad_Rosenheim just wait ’til John Roberts swears in one President while Sonia Sotomayor swears in another.

i mean, i pray not.

in reply to @talexb

Solicitations of political cash by e-mail and text are a pox. What I wouldn’t give for a campaign that got in touch to meaningfully communicate with me rather than to milk me.

It begins.

(The Supreme Court’s sabotage of the regulatory state begins to take effect.)

ht @davidho @Brad_Rosenheim

@jumbanho @ddayen he’s been at it a long while, paid to do it, for whatever that is or isn’t evidence of. i wish him well, but have mostly not found his contributions constructive.

in reply to @jumbanho

on ht @ddayen


Chait doesn't trouble himself to say which of the actions that these lefties are promoting amount to bad policy and are politically damaging to boot. The push to regulate cryptocurrencies? The lawsuits to break up the monopolies that stifle competition? The move to enable the 20 percent of American workers who are bound by noncompete agreements that keep them from seeking different jobs?

The efforts to enable workers to join unions without fear of being fired? The enforcement of trade laws preventing sham Mexican unions? The ruling that companies that break U.S. labor laws during union elections must then recognize the union? None of this, and in fact no action outside of legislation-which Congress drives as much as the president-is mentioned at all. Without getting into, or even near, specifics, Chait sees unnamed, undiscussed Biden officials' tenures as something to be repudiated. Text: Chait doesn't trouble himself to say which of the actions that these lefties are promoting amount to bad policy and are politically damaging to boot. The push to regulate cryptocurrencies? The lawsuits to break up the monopolies that stifle competition? The move to enable the 20 percent of American workers who are bound by noncompete agreements that keep them from seeking different jobs? The efforts to enable workers to join unions without fear of being fired? The enforcement of trade laws preventing sham Mexican unions? The ruling that companies that break U.S. labor laws during union elections must then recognize the union? None of this, and in fact no action outside of legislation-which Congress drives as much as the president-is mentioned at all. Without getting into, or even near, specifics, Chait sees unnamed, undiscussed Biden officials' tenures as something to be repudiated.

I find myself reminded of this old, excellent blog post by , “Why do economists disagree?”

finally giving obsidian a try (on @llimllib’s recommendation, others too i think i’m sorry if i’ve omitted you) and am kind of loving it so far. @obsidian

Is Barack Obama a divisive figure within the Democratic coalition?

(8 votes)
(41 votes)

wall street is like hollywood: milking profit from existing hit franchises is lots easier than coming up with new ones. in hollywood that's sequels. on wall street it's expanding margins.

photographs of kamala’s long slim fingers are AI deep fakes.

“mind your own damned business” does feel like a vibe shift for the Democratic Party, probably an electorally helpful one.

donald trump gets me.

This story about Amazon using the FBI and civil forfeiture against a white-collar employee it claims violated employment terms (so “fraud”) is wild and terrifying. Is there another side to this story? How common is shit like this?