This post contains spoilers.

"Banks got 'credit' to handle the rest of their obligation for routine operations like donating loans, or even things that make banks money, like collecting incentive payments from making loan modifications, or lending money in low-income areas. As I said at the time, this was like sentencing a bank robber to opening a lemonade stand." @ddayen

"High-powered lobbyists like Tony Podesta and others came up with a new playbook to brush back regulatory oversight by paying outside researchers to launder industry talking points through the guise of neutral 'expertise.'"

"When I look at proposals to ban products such as alcohol, tobacco and pot, I see one massive negative consequence (more crime and punishment), and then some other effects that are hard to judge."

@isomorphismes i think it very unlikely he will too. i’d just read people (perfunctorily or mockingly) calling for it, and it occurred to me i had no idea wtf would happen if he did.

in reply to @isomorphismes

@james the banana took some good stuff to become so smashed, you see…

in reply to @james

if trump were to step down, who would replace him on the ticket? would it automatically be jd vance?

The main problem with the failure of journalists and academics to abandon Twitter despite knowing that they should (the liberal professional condition is accepting a paycheck from sources we know perhaps we shouldn't) is that at some margin, Elon and his algorithm drive mainstream journalism in directions it otherwise wouldn't have gone, or at least not as far and as credulously.

I wonder whether the coverage given the lame attempt to "swift boat" of Tim Walz isn't an example of that in action.

Once crypto was wrapped behind ETFs, I thought it'd trade just like any other contract on NASDAQ.

I gave it a try today. (Given the political decision to entrench rather than crush crypto, I think a small allocation in a portfolio towards proof-of-stake crypto may be reasonable.)

Interestingly, my broker requires I apply for special trading permissions.

Anita Dunn (advisor to Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris) on Bernie Sanders:

“I can’t say enough good things about him, who has been just a loyal supporter and a good partner and someone who has always been willing to tell us when he thinks we’re making a mistake. But that is what you want in a good partner.”

They developed an artificial superintelligence, brighter than a million minds.

It considered.

Then it printed the following:


[new draft post] What if we are not among the elect?

This post is a deep fake.

punctuation is word-salad dressing.

“i mean, if you’re AMAB and you vote for Democrats, doesn’t that make you trans by definition?”

i keep trying to create a fake fake, but it always comes out real.


democracy is rule by the people.

i am a person.

∴ democracy is rule by me.

in reply to @John

"freedom is when i get what i want."

i react badly to this emoji: 🚨

should Harris run on Bidenomics?