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[New Post] Yimby, taxes, expertise, state capacity, elections, economy

@BenRossTransit @Alon @marick @scott Right. It's his outspokenness on this issue that has made Israel/Palestine a salient topic when he is discussed. Which seems fair and normal, but it is a disadvantage electorally, given how divisive the issue is within the D coalition. I have no idea how much his views on I/P differ from the other suitors, because whatever they think or have done, the others have been politician-like about trying not to play up an issue that divides their potential voters.

in reply to @BenRossTransit

@BenRossTransit @Alon @marick @scott i think the protester/KKK comparison and siding with Republicans re university presidents and policies—whatever your views on the merits!—have been more salient than his views on a two-state solution. he also presents himself almost creepily as Obama 2.0, which gives those of us who think Obama 1.0 was a catastrophe reason to look for disqualifications.

in reply to @BenRossTransit

@Alon @marick @scott Foreign policy is important. But Israel is one tiny country that I hope figures out a modus vivendi with its neighbors and with the inhabitants of the territories it claims to govern, so that we can all treat it that way. Under any administration, Israel is unlikely to enjoy the degree of indulgence to which it has grown accustomed from the US in 2032. Some of us are pretty mad to be on the verge of a dangerous, unaffordable war because of its reckless leader.

in reply to @Alon

@marick @scott @Alon i've generally heard from people i trust Pritzker's been pretty good. i know literally nothing specific about how he's governed, but based on others' plaudits, i'd be fine if he were the dark horse VP. again, Israel/Palestine is not highly salient in his public profile, even though he is Jewish, and I take that as an advantage (especially the combination), wherever he falls within the broad spectrum on that issue that mainstream Democrats take.

in reply to @marick

@Alon @marick @scott What is salient about Walz has nothing to do with his views on / governance related to Israel / Palestine.

Which is a reason to support him, because whatever your view, Israel / Palestine is a wedge issue that splits the Democratic coalition much more than the Republican coalition.

I like Walz because of his success at social democratic governance (by US standards) in MN—despite a thin legislative majority—and his forthright, common-sense defense of those policies.

in reply to @Alon

it’s fucking raining. no joke.

@scott @Alon basically we have no idea, based on born-to-wealth alone. we could learn something about the dude! but, well, it’s a pretty unlikely conjecture still, might not be worth the time…

in reply to @scott

@_dm it’d be nice if that were immunity enough. but people are very generous with tendentious accusations unfortunately.

@Alon me too, as a prior, but born billionaires are at least better than those who flatter themselves self-made!

in reply to @Alon

@eARCwelder I agree, but as I say I was predisposed to, so I need to take myself with a few grains of salt.

in reply to @eARCwelder

@Alon i know next to nothing about Pritzker, so it all seems fine! my how we love a fresh face!

in reply to @Alon

@eARCwelder i’m predisposed not to be enthusiastic for Shapiro, for his general ostentatious centrism and his less measured support of Israel / opposition to protests. all of that strikes me as within the bounds of ordinary political tussle, however. 1/

in reply to @eARCwelder

@eARCwelder but some of the allegations coming from his time as AG strike me as hard to deal with. on the one hand they smell like the sleaziest sort of oppo, on the other an almost perfect conspiracy/distraction unless they can be definitively debunked very quickly and certainly. /fin

in reply to self

kind of a wild possibility, suppose for whatever reason the Harris campaign decides in its vetting there’s some matter of concern with Shapiro, but they fear accusations of antisemitism if they overlook him, so they go with Pritzker.

The sound of this tropical storm is kind of incredible.

@GreenFire yes. the andrew johnson model did perhaps leave something to be desired.

in reply to @GreenFire

sometimes VPs do have an impact on governance. that, it seems to me, is a more pressing concern than (apparently very modest) electoral impacts.

even the smallest fish is not so small, if the pond is small enough.

@LesterB99 It is quite possible. Very lucky, but possible.

in reply to @LesterB99