@admitsWrongIfProven i’m sure that’s right, but i suspect even by their own definitions, the proposition often holds.
much less good comes of organized murder than its perpetrators often imagine.
@solar_chase happy birthday!
you don’t have to go too far into the abrahamic texts to find the line, “am i my brothers’ keeper?”
@darwinwoodka “‘your’ music. bwahahahaha.”
Your account was accessed from a new device.
“A fine is a price.” @pluralistic https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/24/cursed-bigness/
@Transportist lots of Apple One inflation Two. Not quite as dramatic in percentage terms, but a big price increase there too.
"Apple TV+ will now cost $9.99, up from the prior $6.99. Apple TV+ originally cost $4.99 when it first launched in November 2019." https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-raises-prices-on-some-subscription-services-including-apple-tv-155224791.html
// The Apple TV+ inflation rate is 19% compounded over four years.
// That's fair, right?
@SocialistStan@mymastadon.link @LeftistLawyer the people (plural, not "a people") face a challenge, but so does the state.
states are in my view the most important and consequential of all human inventions, but like fire, they can and often do burn us into pain and ash. the most important human project is improving states, so they simultaneously act well on behalf of the publics they serve, and retain the approval of those publics (which, surprisingly often, may prove to be conflicting imperatives).
@SocialistStan@mymastadon.link @LeftistLawyer if you say so. i think some formal states are authoritarian, other are not, and i support the "not" kind.
@SocialistStan@mymastadon.link @LeftistLawyer "people" is a vague term. i think formal states should hold the monopoly of legitimate violence on geographic territories, not "peoples" defined in affiliative or identity terms. a just state organizes itself to serve and be accountable to all of its citizens (who should be substantially all of the residents) of its territory on terms as equal as possible, regardless of affiliative, ascriptive, or ethnic identity.
@LeftistLawyer i am genuinely not kidding honored. it feels lonesome sometimes, but we are not alone.
@SocialistStan@mymastadon.link @LeftistLawyer i'm glad you don't shut up! but yes this person is not an anarchist. that's correct.
@cshentrup enjoy the views! the rafting is pretty great too.
@LeftistLawyer (thank you!)
@cshentrup as i said, a canyon!
@cshentrup sometimes i think we communicate across a great canyon, but on election reform issues we are very simpatico.
it's important to learn to make incendiary remarks for when you are caught in the wilderness without matches.
@failedLyndonLaRouchite I get power for my utility bill. I think I support a mostly wasteful consultant class much more than I get democracy for Act Blue, and I've watched how they screwed my elderly parents cajoling a zillion recurring contributions then making it hard to cancel. I won't say never. But the amount of sheer revulsion I have to overcome to send a dime through that channel will make it very rare.