"Belief in accuracy thus undermines accuracy, which I have referred to previously as the prediction market paradox." @rajivsethi rajivsethi.substack.com/p/stra

"it’s wrong of me, but I take a certain wicked glee in seeing Democratic-aligned elites being treated by Biden the same way they themselves treat the left wing of the Democratic Party." @mikethemadbiologist mikethemadbiologist.com/2024/0

“elite” media (particularly the New York Times) vs Biden aides: “you say we’re a conspiracy? no, *you’re* the conspiracy.”


“The word ‘slop’ seems like a good catch-all term finding purchase in the online vocabulary, but I think the popularization of ‘content’ — in the way it is most commonly used — foreshadowed this shift.” @nickheer pxlnv.com/blog/slop-and-conten

@admitsWrongIfProven Probably not! But it’s still nice of you, however contentious you may be, to be so encouraging.

@admitsWrongIfProven That is very kind of a stranger on the internet to say.

@admitsWrongIfProven i think there’s a lot of truth to it, which is why i think the way contemporary arrangements (in the US) try to discipline people with poverty and desperation to be sure they devote themselves to market work, however valuable or useless the job, is a hindrance to arts and progress.

@admitsWrongIfProven i hope it doesn’t come to that. we’ve loved our visits, though.

@admitsWrongIfProven gack ! wrong link! sorry! zirk.us/@interfluidity/1127707


in reply to @LouisIngenthron
NATO logo, including:

OTAN NATO logo, including: NATO OTAN

@admitsWrongIfProven zirk.us/@interfluidity/1127707

Is it fair to describe Biden as having released his delegates, when he answered they can do what they want?

@Geoffberner I don’t think there’s ever been a more perilous moment. But you are more certain than I am about how it resolves.

in reply to @Geoffberner

@Geoffberner as I said, I am not sure what will or should happen.

in reply to @Geoffberner

@Geoffberner no. my baselines were the debate and the Stephanopoulos interview, and this was much better than either.

in reply to @Geoffberner

i don’t know what will or should happen, and sure there were stumbles, but Biden substantially outperformed my expectations in this press conference.


@nicholas yes. by “the law was fine with it” what i meant is that even absent formal immunity, the bar to prosecution has always been extraordinarily high and a “public action” affirmative defense at the ready, so that Presidents, as Kissinger quipped, “do immediately” what is illegal but can be justified on public grounds, and have never been prosecuted for it. the only real risk they have faced when they use official power for reasons not colorably intended to advance a public interest.

in reply to this

@realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @volkris @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @Hyolobrika yes.

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

@realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @volkris @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @Hyolobrika i guess read the memo. (i did, but years ago, i can’t recapitulate it for you now.) i thought the whole thing, the whole drone assassination program, let alone of a US citizen, was horrific. interfluidity.com/v2/2255.html

in reply to @realcaseyrollins