So, I like to go on about how we don't have a financial system, how the system we have is inadequate and structurally broken, how we need to invent new institutions. I think we need to experiment, in a startup-y, techy kind of way, with more flexible, fine-grained, and transparent exchanges that could augment and perhaps replace traditional capital markets. Really, that's what I want to do someday.
Unfortunately, I'm slow and lazy. But occasional commenter Thomas Barker is not. He writes to say he's helping to organize an informal meeting in London of people interested in pursuing just these kinds of projects. I desperately want to go, though I'm afraid the odds are slim. The event will take place on February 14th. (Yes, how romantic.) For more information, try here.
Steve Randy Waldman — Saturday January 31, 2009 at 5:06am | permalink |