as it happens I’m in Colombes, right next to Nanterre. everything is lovely.
social media always tells you the world is on fire, and it always is on fire. but a smaller part of the world is burning than social media pretends, to scare you into embracing bullshit.
they argue in bad faith that you are arguing in bad faith.
i always thought ESG was meaningless marketing for affluent people looking to make bank but still feel like good people. but prominent politicians tell me that in fact it’s a hegemonic conspiracy by the elites to oppress us all. i guess the annoyance of a few fossil fuel companies over slightly higher cost of capital really captures the will of the people.
@DetroitDan @SteveRoth i don’t really “trust” any news sources. i have different models about the ways i think they spin things, and there are some i consider more broadly *dis*-trustworthy than others. i have had my own issues with mother jones. i’m just pointing out that lots more examples armed participants have been *alleged* re jan 6 than the two examples you brought up but consider debunked. i’m neither endorsing or disputing any of the allegations.
with apologies to @pluralistic sometimes it happens so fast maybe endiarrheafication is a better description.
“Each western generation has to fight the idea that autocrats are generally, or even often, competent.” #JananGanesh
@sarangshah the quality dimensions that get included in these model, and which goods should be subject to them, seem to me to be very… contestable.
In practice, are hedonic adjustments made to take note when product quality has declined on average?
@DetroitDan @SteveRoth lots more than that is alleged. maybe you’d dispute all the allegations (i certainly wouldn’t be able to adjuducate whatever is disputed), but i’d be wary of a tucker-carlson-esque technique of rotten-cherry-picking one or two discredited claims, then fallaciously suggesting all claims have been discredited.
i have taken all the necessary measures.
@davidgerard i want to ask what the article is, but i’m a bit afraid, i’d really prefer not to have a baby with Elon Musk.
@djc note the distinction, though, between a big policy change and a scaled-up (“big”) program. one is about “dose” (using the treatment analogy), the other about the size of the population to which the dose is given.
what color revolution was that almost?