@maikel (it’s a safe place!)

in reply to this

(my initial question seemed beside the point to your post, even parenthetical, is probably the original motive.)

in reply to self

@paninid there is this twist in our betters’ vision where what starts as a statement of sad necessity transforms into a competitive impulse to demonstrate a willingness to be cruel, as a marker and qualification for leadership.

in reply to @paninid

@maikel (thanks!)

in reply to this

it really is a story about corruption:

“‘There is a big wealth concentration in the world, which means that those people will more and more demand more exclusive products and more exclusive projects,’ Ziad El Chaar, DarGlobal’s chief executive, told real estate developers in France this year.”

oh, and Trump too, of course.

ht @dangillmor


@maikel (on what service do you leave reviews?)

in reply to this

@tequila0341 i get trying to keep perspective, but i never find that cheering.

in reply to @tequila0341

@jockr maybe? i’m hoping maybe there is something else.

in reply to @jockr

@dpp yeah, we were all hopeful and well-intentioned. but we paved a road.

in reply to @dpp

i’m at a phase in life where the human condition comes to seem ever more tragic with each passing day and year.

i’m looking forward to arriving at a different phase of life.

@dpp absolutely. taxation is a good and important thing, as much as possible it shouldn’t be an adversarial or bitter process.

in reply to @dpp

@admitsWrongIfProven @phillmv i'm only just beginning to play, but i have an account now on programming.dev/ and am excited about programming.dev/c/scala

i follow the group both via rss feed and here on mastodon. i've tried following myself as a user from here, but it shows up as 'requested' and i haven't figured out how to approve myself, or if it's even possible, over there. users have rss feeds too, which is great.

in reply to @admitsWrongIfProven

@admitsWrongIfProven @phillmv i’m enthusiastic about the prospect of fediverse neoreddits, kbin or lemmy etc

in reply to @admitsWrongIfProven

@failedLyndonLaRouchite ( i guess i mean a secondary definition, "imperfectly formed or formulated" merriam-webster.com/dictionary )

screenshot of linked dictionary definintion of screenshot of linked dictionary definintion of "inchoate"

@phillmv it's easy to mock some of the tetchiness on the fediverse about who to federate with and whether mastodon.social is too big etc but we've learned liminal space are such fragile spaces and we've really know idea how to govern and protect them.

in reply to @phillmv

twitter has substantially replaced the once inchoate public square with some hybrid of pro wrestling match and unscrupulous tabloid. when i think of the fraction of my life i gave to that site, of all the musings i posted to help make it, i just want to vomit and repent.

@dpp My experiences with the IRS have generally been professional and reasonable. I don't doubt that people have nightmares. It's a complicated tax system and stakes are high and not everyone at any large organization is going to be superb. But my own experience has been that I've been treated fairly, given the tax code. (I have had the experience of misunderstanding the tax code, suffering a significant unexpected, felt-unfair loss. But my tax accountants flagged that, never interacted w/IRS.)

in reply to @dpp

Well put by : "companies in similar industries have entered into a toxic equilibrium where all of them offer lousy service in identical ways." jabberwocking.com/corporate-bu

“draculizing humans” is a great coinage for so much of contemporary life. masto.ai/@stavvers/11057570301 ht @GreenSkyOverMe

a kind of simultaneous comment on meta (facebook) in the fediverse and certain strands of yimby-ism. g33ks.coffee/@tiesselune/11057

@wingo there’s a real challenge. it’s not just about who is here. Twitter is structured as an influence game, there are important people and you make progress, for your cause or career, by getting your words seen and endorsed by them. arguments are perceived as consequential and get quite bitter. mastodon is antihierarchical, antiviral, “nice”. it rejects influence games. then by definition, it is a short lever.

in reply to @wingo